Kothari Sales
Registered Office - 182, Haji habib Building, Shop No 4, Opp Dadar Fire Brigade, Dr Ambedkar Road, Dadar (E) - 400014, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Contact number - 02224114155 ,
Fax No -
Email ID - khemrajkothari@yahoo.co.in

About Company

Kothari sales are Stockists & Dealers in Refrigeration & Airconditioning Spares..

Membership No.


Year of Establishment

01 - January - 1985



Team Members

Contact Name Designation Email Mobile Profile Image
Mr Khemraj Kothari Proprietor khemrajkothari@yahoo.co.in 9821032355

Type of Business

  • - Dealer / Distributor / Wholesaler & Stockist
  • - Retailer
  • - Wholesaler

Brand Type

Product Type